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в новости → 100 ловушек в личной жизни. Как их распознать и обойти |
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в новости → Когда она ушла |
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в новости → Когда она ушла |
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Автор → Mpak
в новости → Когда она ушла |
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в новости → Искусство быть эгоистом |
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Иностранные языки / Образование 17 июня 2014 |

The SAT is an essential passport for your college admission journey. The SAT gives colleges what they want: a showcase of your skills and potential. The College Board is here to help guide you throughout the college-going process so that you can find the right college fit and best path forward to future opportunities. The SAT can help connect you to scholarship organizations, and many colleges use it for merit awards in addition to admission. Take a look at the “Student earch Service” information on this page to learn more.
Иностранные языки / Образование 17 июня 2014 |

This set of vocabulary-building flash cards present cartoon illustrations showing visual puns with sample sentences and verbal mnemonics with definitions given on the reverse side of each card. Words and definitions are those that have appeared most frequently on recent SAT college entrance exams. The cartoons and vocabulary have been adapted from Philip and Susan Geer's book Picture These SAT Words!, which is also available from Barron's.
Иностранные языки / Образование 17 июня 2014 |

Purpose of the writing test asking you to write a short essay is a relatively accurate way for colleges to assess your potential for success in college courses that require writing. Your performance on the test also adds an important dimension to your college admissions profile. The essay tells admissions officials how well you write, especially how well you write under the pressure of time. Moreover, it provides colleges with useful information about
Иностранные языки / Образование 17 июня 2014 |

Cracking the SAT, 2012 Edition from Princeton Review includes everything you need to know to master the Math, Critical Reading, and Writing sections of the SAT. It includes: Access to 5 full-length practice exams; Our exclusive "Hit Parade" of vocabulary appearing most frequently on the SAT; Tons of drills and detailed explanations to show you exactly what to expect on the exam; Thorough review of all SAT topics, including essay-writing techniques and a focused grammar chapter; Key SAT strategies and a breakdown of SAT myths to help you feel more confident on test day
Иностранные языки / Образование 17 июня 2014 |

Alexa waited at the school entryway, anxiously scanning the line of cars jostling for position at the curb. It was five after 3:00 on Friday and the school week was mercifully over. Today Alexa’s father was scheduled to pick her up along with Doug and Caroline, the two other kids in her carpool. Alexa was fervently hoping that her dad wouldn’t be late. It was so awkward to wait when Doug and Caroline were impatient to leave…
Иностранные языки / Образование 17 июня 2014 |

Most college-bound test takers know that 2400 represents a perfect SAT score. Probably, they also know that scores of 2100 or higher virtually guarantee students acceptance at America's most prestigious colleges. This special test preparation guide for high-achieving college-bound students' provides special coaching to help them achieve that 2100+ score. It bypasses standard test preparation exercises and offers specific advice and strategies for tackling the SAT's hardest questions. It also presents extra practice and review in all math topics, as well as special vocabulary lists designed to increase students' word power. All questions come with fully explained answers.
Иностранные языки / Образование 17 июня 2014 |

Your Blueprint for Test Success. A diagnostic test. Six full-length practice tests. All questions answered and explained. In-depth review of all test subjects. Your Private Tutor. An overview of the test: What you should know about the current SAT test format; Additional practice questions with answers; Vocabulary flash cards to increase your word power.
Иностранные языки / Образование 17 июня 2014 |

The sentence completion section on standardized tests, especially the SAT 1 exam, is often cited as a trouble section for even the best test-takers. Examinees get test-targeted vocabulary practice questions to score better with LearningExpress series, Skill Builder in Focus. This specialized drill book provides the focused practice necessary for test-taking success. Plus, all answers are explained, using terms that clarify context, main ideas, themes, and critical thinking skills for effective studying and positive reinforcement. Almost every standardized test in vocabulary, including civil service exams, contains reading comprehension questions. Each practice consists of 50 questions, and answer explanations follow each section.
Художественная литература / Классика 16 июня 2014 |

Михаил Арцыбашев (1878–1927) – один из самых популярных беллетристов начала XX века, чье творчество многие годы подвергалось жестокой критике и лишь сравнительно недавно получило заслуженное признание. Роман «Санин» – главная книга писателя – долгое время носил клеймо «порнографического романа», переполошил читающую Россию и стал известным во всем мире. Тонкая, деликатная сфера интимных чувств нашла в Арцыбашеве своего сильного художника. «У Арцыбашева и талант, и содержание», – писал Л. Н. Толстой.
Помимо романа «Санин», в книгу вошли повести и рассказы: «Роман маленькой женщины», «Кровавое пятно», «Старая история» и другие.
Художественная литература / Приключения 16 июня 2014 |

С детских лет Саня Григорьев умел добиваться успеха в любом деле. Он вырос мужественным и храбрым человеком. Мечта разыскать остатки экспедиции капитана Татаринова привела его в ряды летчиков—полярников. Жизнь капитана Григорьева полна героических событий: он летал над Арктикой, сражался против фашистов. Его подстерегали опасности, приходилось терпеть временные поражения, но настойчивый и целеустремленный характер героя помогает ему сдержать данную себе еще в детстве клятву: «Бороться и искать, найти ине сдаваться».