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Журналы / Игры и компьютер
13 ноября 2015
Автор: www.upweek.ru
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 2,1 Мб
Язык: Русский
Краткое описание: UPgrade – самый популярный еженедельный компьютерный журнал России. В нем рассматривается самые интересные новинки компьютерного железа, даются многочисленные полезные советы и рекомендации, как сделать работу на компьютере удобной и эффективной. Искрометный юмор авторов не даст вам заскучать, даже читая о сложных вещах!
Журналы / Разное
12 ноября 2015
Автор: www.time.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 5,9 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание: Time (styled within the magazine as TIME) is an American weekly news magazine published in New York City. Time initially possessed a distinctive writing style, making regular use of inverted sentences. Time has a weekly section called "Listings", which contained capsule summaries and/or reviews of then-current significant films, plays, musicals, television programs, and literary bestsellers similar to The New Yorker's "Current Events" section.
Журналы / Разное
12 ноября 2015
Автор: www.theweek.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 2,8 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание: The newsweekly for the 21st century: a succinct and witty digest of what's happening in the world and what the opinion makers are saying about the issues. The Week is a magazine designed for the generation living with information overload, effectively simmering down all the world's news events into a fast 1-2 hour weekend read. The Week's style focuses on providing a brief that covers different angles of issues, quoting from a wide variety of popular traditional and online media.
Журналы / Разное
12 ноября 2015
Автор: www.nybooks.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 5,9 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание: For over 45 years, The New York Review of Books has been the place where the world's leading authors, scientists, educators, artists, and political leaders turn when they wish to engage in a spirited debate on literature, politics, art, and ideas with a small but influential audience that welcomes the challenge. Each issue addresses some of the most passionate political and cultural controversies of the day, and reviews the most engrossing new books and the ideas that illuminate them.
Журналы / Шоу-бизнес и знаменитости
12 ноября 2015
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 19,8 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание: The Hollywood Reporter offers unmatched insider access to the most powerful people in Hollywood. The Hollywood Reporter covers everything that's hot in the world of entertainment, from blockbuster films to the latest TV programs. Plus Hollywood fashion news, red carpet trends and in-depth coverage of awards shows.
Журналы / Работа и бизнес
12 ноября 2015
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 8,7 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание: Shares is the leading weekly publication for private investors and stock market professionals and is read by thousands of private investors, analysts, fund managers, stockbrokers and company directors. Since its launch in 1999 Shares has developed a strong following from those who invest or trade regularly on the stock market. The Shares team of expert writers are highly regarded in the City and their comment frequently influences the market’s view of individual companies.
Журналы / Научно-популярные и познавательные
12 ноября 2015
Автор: www.sciencemag.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 16,5 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание: Science is a weekly international science magazine and website covering recent developments in science and technology for a general English-speaking audience. As well as covering current events and news from the scientific community, the magazine often features speculative articles, ranging from the technical to the philosophical.
Журналы / Разное
12 ноября 2015
Автор: www.prospectmag.co.uk
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 20,8 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание: Prospect is a monthly magazine with more range and intellectual depth than any other...breaking the mould of modern-day journalism. t gives cutting-edge comment and editorial regarding current affairs and cultural debate – all totally free from any political bias and offering in-depth intellectual comment and international perspective. We cover areas and topics of world concern, before they even become a concern.
Журналы / Научно-популярные и познавательные
12 ноября 2015
Автор: www.newscientist.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 6,8 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание: New Scientist is a weekly international science magazine and website covering recent developments in science and technology for a general English-speaking audience. New Scientist has maintained a website since 1996, publishing daily news. As well as covering current events and news from the scientific community, the magazine often features speculative articles, ranging from the technical to the philosophical.
Журналы / Разное
12 ноября 2015
Автор: www.mentalfloss.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 5,9 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание: Mental Floss magazine is an intelligent read, but not too intelligent. We're the sort of intelligent that you hang out with for a while, enjoy our company, laugh a little, smile a lot and then we part ways. Great times. And you only realize how much you learned from us after a little while. Like a couple days later when you're impressing your friends with all these intriguing facts and things you picked up from us, and they ask you how you know so much, and you think back on that great afternoon you spent with us and you smile.