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— Ты будешь вынужден поступать неправедно, куда бы ты ни пошел, — сказал старик. — Жизнь в том и состоит, чтобы идти против своей природы. Рано или поздно это приходится делать каждому живому существу. Это кромешная тьма, крах любого творения, проклятье любой работы, проклятье, иже питает всю жизнь. Везде, во всей Вселенной.
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Наука и образование / Искусство
13 марта 2014
Автор: L.Duff, J.Davies
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 3,2 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

Drawing - The Process is a collection of papers, theories and interviews based on the conference and exhibition of the same name held at Kingston University. A wide range of approaches, both practical and theoretical, and their varied contexts within the field of drawing, are re-examined and in many cases introduced as totally new methodology to the reader.

Наука и образование / Искусство
13 марта 2014
Автор: L.Ames, P.Ames
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 6,8 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

To be able to see and enjoy what you are seeing is much to be grateful for. But even more, being able to reproduce and convey to others, by drawing, what you see or imagine provides greater satisfaction. As in all my books, my purpose and pleasure are to show others, like yourself, a way to construct drawings.


This world is full of glorious things to see. I think you’ll agree that the flowers, fruits, trees, and the rest of the subject matter here are testament to our beautiful world. In my earlier books, living subjects were all chosen from the animal kingdom.

Наука и образование / Искусство
13 марта 2014
Автор: C.Banks, A.LaRoche
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 41,5 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

The Besthvy of Ktynn is a resource for games set in the world of Dragonlance. It is a collection of creatures, ranging from the terrif5ring fire dragons of Chaos to the tiny, dagger-like feeders. Contained within these pages are a mix of foes both old and new, challenges for adventuring parties of any level. Each entry has descriptions and game statistics useflil for those who plan adventures carefully as well as those who prefer to think on their feet. All game information is compatible with the revised edition of the d20 System me.

Наука и образование / Искусство
13 марта 2014
Автор: K.Howard
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 34,9 Mb
Язык: Итальянский
Краткое описание:

Chiunque puô imparare ad esprimersi attraverso ii disegno, dal bambino di ogni eta all’adulto, per puro divertimento o per dare slogo a sentimenti o emozioni. Bastano pochi e semplici strumenti: una matita, del carboncino, inchiostro e pastelli. Questo libro vi aiuterà ad avere i primi approcci col mondo del disegno e ad acquisire in modo semplice le tecniche di base.

Наука и образование / Искусство
13 марта 2014
Автор: M.von Matuschka
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 13,8 Mb
Язык: Немецкий
Краткое описание:

Dieses Buch führt Sie in die Kunst des Bodypointing em und bietet zohlreiche fontosievolle Anregungen für die Bemalung von Gesicht und Kórper. In elnem ousführlichen Kapitel zu Moterialien und Schminktechniken wird cues Wissenswerte onschaulich und leicht nochvoll’ ziehbar vermittelt. Der Höhepunkt des Buches sind die etwa 50 kunstvollen nKompositionen auf Haute. Neben Motiven aus bekannten Musicals stehen Märchen- und faritostische Figuren sowie Gestalten, die uns ouch im toglichen Leben begegnen. Nur mit Hilfe von Schminkfarbe und etwas Glimmer kreiert Matthias von Matuschka sowohi üppig qestoltete, dekorative Motive als ouch skurrile und witzige Figuren.

Наука и образование / Искусство
13 марта 2014
Автор: Elsevier Publishing
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 52,1 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

From author: “The film “Endangered Species” was created especially so this book could be  written. It may seem a quite extraordinary statement for an author to make - that they created an entire film simply to write a book - yet this is basically what I have done. Without the film, this book could never have been written. But then again, without an amazing, magical, diversely enchanting world of animation which has existed for almost 100 years now, the film could never have been made in the first place!”

Наука и образование / Искусство
13 марта 2014
Автор: R.Strassberg
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 59,3 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

The Guideways through Mountains and Seas (Shanhaijing) is a unique and enduring record of a wide range of beliefs held by the ancient Chinese about their world, encompassing religion, mythology, geography, flora, fauna, minerals, and medicine. An encyclopedic cosmography mostly compiled from the Warring States period to the Western Han dynasty (c.4th -c. 1st cent. B.C.E.), it has been repeatedly hand-copied, reprinted, and re-edited through the centuries into our own time... Since the nineteenth century, it has also attracted the attention of foreign scholars and in recent years has been translated into at least five different languages...

Наука и образование / Искусство
13 марта 2014
Автор: D.Bellamy
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 25,5 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

In this section you are introduced to the basic techniques of watercolour painting. At this stage you will be carefully guided along the way, while you become familiar with your materials. The essential groundwork is covered here, including such topics as application of paint, mixing colours, using tone to maximum effect, and building up a painting gradually. The importance of keeping your painting methods simple is stressed and you are also shown compositional techniques which, if applied as demonstrated, will add power and appeal to your work.

Наука и образование / Искусство
13 марта 2014
Автор: R.Taylor
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 20,4 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

This book is written from an artist’s point if view – an artist with a love of structures, and a fascination for textures and how to recreate them in watercolour. I am not an architect, and have had no training in architecture – I simply respond as an artist might, to the environment within which I find myself and the visual stimulus that I seek is often to be found tucked away in the streets of villages, towns and cities.

Наука и образование / Искусство
13 марта 2014
Автор: D.Riche, A, Franklin
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 31,7 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

Did you wonder why you picked up this made you do it? Could it have been the title, the cover image, a recommendation from a friend, or just simple curiosity? Or might you have been guided by an unseen force that seemed to urge you to visit another world? Deep in our psyches most of us have a sense that magic can happen and that the veil between two worlds can be i fled, just as it sometimes is in dreams.