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Научно-популярное / Познавательное
15 октября 2012
Автор: Gale Research, Inc
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11,7 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: This new edition of the Encyclopedia of World Biography (EWB) represents a unique, comprehensive source for biographical information on nearly 7,000 of those people who, for their contributions to human culture and society, have reputations that stand the test of time. Bringing together the first edition of EWB - published nearly 25 years ago—and the supplemental volumes that appeared over the years, this set features fully updated and revised versions of EWB’s original articles, including expanded bibliographic sections, as well as a cumulative index to names and subjects.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
15 октября 2012
Автор: Gale Research, Inc
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,2 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: This new edition of the Encyclopedia of World Biography (EWB) represents a unique, comprehensive source for biographical information on nearly 7,000 of those people who, for their contributions to human culture and society, have reputations that stand the test of time. Bringing together the first edition of EWB - published nearly 25 years ago—and the supplemental volumes that appeared over the years, this set features fully updated and revised versions of EWB’s original articles, including expanded bibliographic sections, as well as a cumulative index to names and subjects.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
15 октября 2012
Автор: Gale Research, Inc
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11,5 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: This new edition of the Encyclopedia of World Biography (EWB) represents a unique, comprehensive source for biographical information on nearly 7,000 of those people who, for their contributions to human culture and society, have reputations that stand the test of time. Bringing together the first edition of EWB - published nearly 25 years ago—and the supplemental volumes that appeared over the years, this set features fully updated and revised versions of EWB’s original articles, including expanded bibliographic sections, as well as a cumulative index to names and subjects.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
15 октября 2012
Автор: Gale Research, Inc
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,6 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: This new edition of the Encyclopedia of World Biography (EWB) represents a unique, comprehensive source for biographical information on nearly 7,000 of those people who, for their contributions to human culture and society, have reputations that stand the test of time. Bringing together the first edition of EWB - published nearly 25 years ago—and the supplemental volumes that appeared over the years, this set features fully updated and revised versions of EWB’s original articles, including expanded bibliographic sections, as well as a cumulative index to names and subjects.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
15 октября 2012
Автор: Gale Research, Inc
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 9,4 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: This new edition of the Encyclopedia of World Biography (EWB) represents a unique, comprehensive source for biographical information on nearly 7,000 of those people who, for their contributions to human culture and society, have reputations that stand the test of time. Bringing together the first edition of EWB - published nearly 25 years ago—and the supplemental volumes that appeared over the years, this set features fully updated and revised versions of EWB’s original articles, including expanded bibliographic sections, as well as a cumulative index to names and subjects.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
15 октября 2012
Автор: Gale Research, Inc
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 8,3 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: This new edition of the Encyclopedia of World Biography (EWB) represents a unique, comprehensive source for biographical information on nearly 7,000 of those people who, for their contributions to human culture and society, have reputations that stand the test of time. Bringing together the first edition of EWB - published nearly 25 years ago—and the supplemental volumes that appeared over the years, this set features fully updated and revised versions of EWB’s original articles, including expanded bibliographic sections, as well as a cumulative index to names and subjects.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
15 октября 2012
Автор: Gale Research, Inc
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 7,7 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: This new edition of the Encyclopedia of World Biography (EWB) represents a unique, comprehensive source for biographical information on nearly 7,000 of those people who, for their contributions to human culture and society, have reputations that stand the test of time. Bringing together the first edition of EWB - published nearly 25 years ago—and the supplemental volumes that appeared over the years, this set features fully updated and revised versions of EWB’s original articles, including expanded bibliographic sections, as well as a cumulative index to names and subjects.
Дом и семейный очаг / Кулинария
12 октября 2012
Формат: pdf
Размер: 12,9 Мб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание: В этой книге Вы найдете только лучшие рецепты блинов, блинчиков и оладий - тающие во рту, ароматные из дрожжевого теста, тоненькие, ажурные на кефире и молоке, пышные на сливках. Разнообразие начинок поразит воображение даже опытных кулинаров. Быстрее зовите друзей и родных на блины!
Журналы / Строительство и Дизайн интерьеров
26 сентября 2012
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 55,2 Мб
Язык: английский
Краткое описание: Budget Decorating offers design solutions from savvy pros; noteworthy, affordable products and new services; and strategies for getting the most value for your money. Regular features take readers behind the scenes and into the homes of celebrities, designers and fellow readers with a flair for decorating with style while spending less.
Журналы / Кулинария
23 сентября 2012
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 50,2 Мб
Язык: английский
Краткое описание: Food Magazine is known and trusted for its kitchen-tested recipes. It offers no less than 30 professionally-tested recipes in its every issue, some of which are analyzed for its nutritional content. Its Food Tour section will allow readers to experience the world through food. Each issue will celebrate the pleasures of the table and the way food connects every individual with family and friends.