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Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
16 ноября 2014
Автор: J.Richards
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 4,6 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

Twenty minutes before he died, Donald Babinger was feeding bits of his cheese sandwich to a pigeon. It was a cold, grey day, and the pigeon seemed grateful for the attention as well as the" crumbs. It pecked eagerly at the bread, ignoring the cheese and the pickle. Babinger was sitting on the steps up to the bandstand, huddled in his coat. The bandstand was where the teenagers hung out in the evening, in the park near the library.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
3 ноября 2014
Автор: J.Richards
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 751 kb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

Castle Extremis – whoever holds it can control the provinces either side that have been at war for centuries. Now the castle is about to play host to the signing of a peace treaty. But as the Doctor and Martha find out, not everyone wants the war to end. Who is the strange little girl who haunts the castle? What is the secret of the book the Doctor finds, its pages made from thin, brittle glass?

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
1 ноября 2014
Автор: J.Richards
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 561 kb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

Death was hiding in Kaspar’s pocket. Blurry-eyed, Kaspar slammed down the empty glass. Leaning heav- ily on the bar, he belched before making his uncertain voyage towards the door of the inn. He knocked against tables, jostled other drinkers, rolling and meandering on his way like a ship skirting the Outreaches. Laughter and abuse rang in his ears in roughly equal measure.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
1 ноября 2014
Автор: J.Richards
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 582 kb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

The Novrosk Peninsula: the Soviet naval base has been abandoned, the nuclear submarines are rusting and rotting. Cold, isolated, forgotten. Until the Russian Special Forces arrive – and discover that the Doctor and his companions are here too. But there is something else in Novrosk. Something that predates even the stone circle on the cliff top. Something that is at last waking, hunting, killing… Can the Doctor and his frieds stay alive long enough to learn the truth? With time running out, they must discover who is really responsible for the Deviant Strain… .

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
1 ноября 2014
Автор: J.Richards
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 697 kb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

In 1920s London the Doctor and Rose find themselves caught up in the hunt for a mysterious murderer. But not everyone or everything is what they seem. Secrets lie behind locked doors and inhuman killers roam the streets. Who is the Painted Lady and why is she so interested in the Doctor? How can a cat return from the dead? Can anyone be trusted to tell or even to know the truth? With the faceless killers closing in, the Doctor and Rose must solve the mystery of the Clockwise Man before London itself is destroyed...

Наука и образование / Иностранные языки
23 февраля 2014
Автор: J.Richards, R.Shmidt
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 1,9 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

This dictionary is intended for: 1) students taking undergraduate or graduate courses in language teaching or applied linguistics, particularly those planning to take up a career in the teaching of English as a Second or Foreign Language or in foreign language teaching, 2) language teachers doing in-service or pre-service courses, such as the UCLES Diploma in Teaching English to Adults, 3) students doing introductory courses in linguistics and related areas