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Наука и образование / Разное
22 августа 2013
Формат: pdf
Размер: 1,6 Мб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание:

В книге «Мамардашвили за 90 минут» рассказывается о жизни и творчестве замечательного философа XX века Мераба Константиновича Мамардашвили, автора выдающихся работ по теории познания и истории философии.

Наука и образование / Разное
22 августа 2013
Формат: pdf
Размер: 553 кб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание:

Книга, которую вы открыли, поможет вам за предельно краткое время изучить последовательность и логическое развитие философских взглядов и воззрений американского философа и писателя-романтика Генри Дэвида Торо, который предположил возможность обретения индивидуальной свободы не порывая физически (географически) с ненавистным обществом: он построил на берегу озера домик, в котором жил два года, проверяя собственную теорию.

Наука и образование / Иностранные языки
22 августа 2013
Автор: T.Dalzell, T.Victor
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 2,1 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

This volume consists of approximately 3,000 headword entries drawn in large part from our New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, in which we recorded slang and unconventional English heard anywhere in the English-speaking world any time since 1945. In that work and here we included pidgin, Creolized English and borrowed foreign terms used by English speakers in primarily English-language conversation. We excluded no term on the ground that it might be considered offensive as a racial, ethnic, religious, sexual or other slur. This dictionary contains many entries and citations that will, and should, offend.

Наука и образование / Иностранные языки
22 августа 2013
Автор: Javvin Press
Цикл:  -
Формат: chm
Размер: 2,2 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

The communications industry is in the process of convergence: data and voice services are provided by one extended network, wireless and wire-line networks are integrated, computers are connected through the big melting pot that is the Internet. So why shouldn't be a technical dictionary to match that convergence of technologies and services? This dictionary includes terms from multiple fields that were separated before. Terms, phrases used across multiple fields can mean many different things. Complicated. We mark every term by its primary fields so that readers can better understand the context and background of the term. Uncomplicated.

Наука и образование / Иностранные языки
22 августа 2013
Автор: S.Jablonski
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 2,5 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

Some long-time users of the book may notice that the familiar Hanley & Belfus imprint has been replaced by Elsevier's Saunders imprint. No matter what the imprint, however, the same care as always has been taken in the selection of entries and the verification of their accuracy. The familiar format of boldface acronyms and abbreviations followed by run-in meanings has been retained, allowing the book to be kept to a convenient size. New terms have been drawn especially from the areas of virology, clinical trials, new technology, and medical informatics.

Наука и образование / Иностранные языки
22 августа 2013
Автор: J.-P.Kurtz
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 57,6 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

From author: “I am pleased to present a work which marks a milestone in the history of public works and, more precisely, in that of permanent structures - a comprehensive dictionary of Civil Engineering terms. Since the beginning of time, Man has always tried to find a means to clear the obstacles which nature erected to displace him. With the first tree trunk thrown across a river, man sought to improve the crossing structure. After the invention of the wheel, and to satisfy his thirst for conquest (Roman ways), and comfort (aqueducts), man built bridges that became a preremptory necessity to move quickly”

Наука и образование / Иностранные языки
22 августа 2013
Автор: D.Crocker
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 3,5 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

Unlike conventional aeronautical dictionaries, the Dictionary of Aviation defines vocabulary often found in conjunction with the purely technical terms as well as the technical terms themselves. Simple explanations are presented in simple language, making the dictionary ideal for those working towards a private or commercial pilot’s licence, as well as trainee maintenance engineers and more experienced professionals. We also give examples to show how the words are used in context.

Наука и образование / Иностранные языки
22 августа 2013
Автор: T.Daizell, T.Victor
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11,5 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

The Concise New Partridge presents, for the first time, all the slang terms from the New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English in a single volume. With over 60,000 entries from around the English-speaking world, the Concise gives you the language of beats, hipsters, Teddy Boys, mods and rockers, hippies, pimps, druggies, whores, punks, skinheads, ravers, surfers, Valley girls, dudes, pill-popping truck drivers, hackers, rappers and more. The Concise New Partridge is a spectacular resource infused with humour and learning – it’s rude, it’s delightful, and it’s a prize for anyone with a love of language.

Наука и образование / Иностранные языки
22 августа 2013
Автор: D.Downing, M.Covington
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 6,9 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

Computers are no longer just for specialists. Today, computing is not just a profession and a hobby; it is also a tool used in virtually all human activities. That’s why we’ve compiled this book of background knowledge. Its purpose is to tell you the things other people think you already know. We design this book to have a convenient size so it can be easily carried around. In compiling a book this size, we have had to be selective. The quickest way to identify a word that you can’t find in a book is probably to do a web search. Also, some terms are almost always abbreviated, and in that case you should look for the abbreviation rather than the full term.

Наука и образование / Иностранные языки
22 августа 2013
Автор: M.Lurker
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 5,5 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

A basic element in all religions is the awareness, both intellectual and emotional, of man’s dependence on non-human powers: powers which we conceive as personal, and vis-a-vis which we normally stand in a reciprocal relationship. Gods and demons are the forms taken by these powers, their hypostatizations, as it were, in the shape of light and darkness, sun and moon, fire and water, bird and snake. The divine can reveal itself in all the phenomena of nature, just as the demonic can.