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в новости → Когда она ушла |
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в новости → Когда она ушла |
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Автор → Mpak
в новости → Когда она ушла |
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Автор → poffigistka
в новости → Искусство быть эгоистом |
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Иностранные языки / Образование 23 мая 2014 |

The Fractions, Decimals, & Percents GMAT math. Delving into all the ways help you hone the skills you need to fundamental concepts and techniques Strategy Guide gets you up to speed on this surprisingly tricky area of the GMAT represents and tests part-whole relationships, this book will manipulate digits, decimals, fractions, percents, and ratios. Grasp the through clear instruction and numerous practice problems.
Иностранные языки / Образование 23 мая 2014 |

The Algebra Strategy Guide provides a thorough refresher of this fundamental branch of math. Focused on the ways algebra is tested on the GMAT, this book will help you grasp core concepts and nuanced strategies for solving every type of algebraic problem. Master essential techniques and practice algebraic manipulations as you work through linear and quadratic equations, functions, formulas, inequalities, and more.
Иностранные языки / Образование 23 мая 2014 |

The Word Problems Strategy Guide demystifies the most challenging of GMAT math questions. Offering a complete review of algebraic translations, rates & work, overlapping sets, and more, this book will equip you with strategies for tackling GMAT word problems in all their guises. Master both concepts and concrete applications with this clear and comprehensive guide.
Иностранные языки / Образование 23 мая 2014 |

The Geometry Strategy Guide equips you with powerful tools to grasp and solve every geometry problem tested on the GMAT. Refresh your knowledge of circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, the coordinate plane, and more. With this book, you’ll understand the concepts and grasp their application, mastering not only fundamental geometric principles, but also nuanced strategies for tackling the toughest questions.
Иностранные языки / Образование 23 мая 2014 |

The Number Properties Strategy Guide delves into all the characteristics of numbers tested on the GMAT, covering both simple and complicated concepts. Rebuild the skills you need with thorough coverage of divisibility and primes, positives and negatives, combinatorics, probability, and more. With this book, you’ll gain crucial knowledge for mastering even the toughest of GMAT problems.
Иностранные языки / Образование 23 мая 2014 |

The Critical Reasoning Strategy Guide strengthens your logic skills for this tough GMAT question type. Learn how to simplify arguments, classify questions, and eliminate wrong answers efficiently and confidently through clear explanations and step-by-step instructions. Practice the logic skills tested by the GMAT and master proven methods for solving all Critical Reasoning problems.
Иностранные языки / Образование 23 мая 2014 |

The Reading Comprehension Strategy Guide teaches you to tackle tough GMAT passages and their associated questions with efficiency and confidence. With thorough explanations and numerous practice problems, this book will help you peel back layers complicated wording to make sense of confusing content. Learn how to break down thorny content to the right level of detail and follow a clear process for answering both general and specific questions, avoiding common traps along the way.
Иностранные языки / Образование 23 мая 2014 |

The Sentence Correction Strategy Guide delves into every major principle and minor subtlety of grammar tested on the GMAT. With this book, you will learn how to master the fundamental principles of grammar and meaning and train your eye and ear to pick up subtle mistakes and avoid traps. From its comprehensive list of GMAT-specific idioms to its thorough coverage of topics such as pronouns and parallelism, this guide teaches exactly what you need to tackle Sentence Correction problems of every difficulty.
Иностранные языки / Образование 23 мая 2014 |

The Integrated Reasoning & Essay Strategy Guide prepares you for two sections of the GMAT: the new Integrated Reasoning section and the Argument Essay. For Integrated Reasoning, equip yourself with the core strategies needed to tackle this tough new section of the GMAT, which incorporates both quantitative and verbal reasoning into innovative prompts and questions. Then, master dynamic outlining and writing techniques for tackling the Argument Essay.
Журналы / Научно-популярные и познавательные 21 мая 2014 |

Популярная механика - журнал о том, как устроен наш мир. Для всех, кто хочет знать о научных изобретениях, сделанных в России и по всему миру, об инновационных технологиях, последних разработках в области космоса, авиации, автомобилей, оружия и компьютеров, которые в скором будущем могут перевернуть нашу жизнь.