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Научно-популярное / Познавательное
21 октября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
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Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,1 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Iran’s first organised settlements were established in Elam, the lowland region in what is now Khuzestan province, as far back as the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. Elam was close enough to Mesopotamia and the great Sumerian civilisation to feel its influence, and records suggest the two were regular opponents on the battlefield. The Elamites established their capital at Shush and derived their strength through a remarkably enlightened federal system of government that allowed the various states to exchange the natural resources unique to each region…
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
21 октября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 12,2 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Indonesia is big, cheap, rough and effortless. It’s everything to everyone, a choose-your-own-adventure travel destination. With little more than a passport, sunscreen and a day’s notice, urban-fatigue victims arrive dazed at Denpasar to recover in comfortable Balinese resorts. With a of planning and preparation, explorers can put packs to their backs and chart six-month rugged routes in which time, energy and a keen sense of adventure are the chief companions.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
21 октября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 27,1 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: With its mind-bending diversity - from snowcapped mountains to sun-washed beaches, crusty old bazaars to chichi designer boutiques, tranquil temples to feisty festivals, ramshackle rural villages to techno-savvy urban hubs - it’s hardly surprising that India has been dubbed the planet’s most multidimensional country.

The subcontinent is home to more than a billion people, and its eclectic melange of ethnic groups translates into an intoxicating cultural cocktail for the traveller. For those on a spiritual quest, India has oodles of sacrosanct sites and stirring philosophies, while history buffs will discover gems from the past almost everywhere - from grand vestiges of the British Raj peering over frenetic city streets, to battle-scarred forts rising from forlorn country fields.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
21 октября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 7,7 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Few visitors can travel around Iceland without their hearts leaping into their mouths at the sheer beauty of it all; or leave the country without a pang and a fervent vow to return. It’s that sort of place.

Although it sits bashfully on the edge of the Arctic, this wonderful little island contains some of the most impressive natural wonders in Europe (it just doesn’t like to boast!). Here the continent’s biggest waterfalls thunder down with such force that the ground trembles under your feet, the bleak and barren highlands form Europe’s largest and loneliest desert, and the awesome icecap Vatnajökull is the biggest outside the poles.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
21 октября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 9,2 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: A trip to Hungary actually requires very little advance planning. Free tourist literature abounds, maps are excellent and readily available, and staff at tourist offices, travel agencies, hotels, train stations and so on are generally helpful and knowledgeable. In fact, almost anything can be arranged after you’ve arrived. And as most experienced travellers know, the problems that occurred to you at home usually turn out to be
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
21 октября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 19,3 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Rumours of Hong Kong’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. More than 10 years after its handover from Britain to China, this entrepreneurial, irrepressible and singular trading city is booming again.

After plagues real, financial and political, normal service has resumed. This tiny territory punching well above its size and weight once more, only these days with a self-confidence never had under its former masters. Hong Kong has never been busier. Nor has it ever felt as comfortable with its status, as a part once again of its original motherland but. separate, too, largely governing its own affairs and much better off for it.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
21 октября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 15,9 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Honduras is filled with natural treasures - biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife refuges - but most travelers come here for the mother lode: scuba diving on the Bay Islands. The three Islas de Ia BahIa - Roatán, Utila and Guanaja - lie along the southern end of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, the second-longest coral reef in the world. Beneath the clear turquoise waters is a trove of unbelievable riches: vibrant coral, massive sponges, multicolored fish and large pelagic species, like manta rays, sea turtles and whale sharks. Yet prices remain remarkably low, making the Bay Islands a great place to learn, and in turn love, scuba diving.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
21 октября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 7,2 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: With Fidel Castro edging ever closer to death, Habana and its controversial socio-political system has once again been thrown into the full glare of the international spotlight. But what direction the city will take if (or when) the much hated 46-year us trade embargo is finally lifted is still anyone’s guess.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
21 октября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 9,6 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Traveling in Guatemala requires little detailed planning. Bus transportation is plentiful - for many trips all you need do is show up and hop on the next bus. Accommodations are equally easy: unless you have your heart set on one hotel, booking ahead isn’t usually necessary. The major exception is Semana Santa (Easter week), when the whole country takes a holiday and you need to book rooms, and often transportation, in advance.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
21 октября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 8,4 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Nothing quite prepares you for your first trip north and that tingle of expectation as you plot a route, pore over those glossy photos and scare yourself silly with tales of frozen flesh and cavernous ice fissures. Going ‘up north’ requires a little more planning than most trips, though you’ll probably be surprised by the modernity of the facilities available. The time of year you go will impact immensely on the size of your rucksack, of periods of perpetual day or night will determine your activities and the uncertainty of the weather may hamper even the best-laid plans.