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Автор → poffigistka
в новости → 100 ловушек в личной жизни. Как их распознать и обойти |
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Автор → Mpak
в новости → Когда она ушла |
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Автор → oybekt
в новости → Когда она ушла |
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Автор → Mpak
в новости → Когда она ушла |
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Автор → poffigistka
в новости → Искусство быть эгоистом |
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Наука и образование / Иностранные языки 22 августа 2013 |

This book is a comprehensive survey of the idioms currently used in American English. An idiom is a set phrase of two or more words that means something different from the literal meaning of the individual words. For instance, the phrase to change one's tune has nothing to do with music but means "to alter one's attitude." Similarly, to hit the nail on the head often has nothing to do with carpentry but means simply "to be absolutely right." Idioms are the idiosyncrasies of a language. Often defying the rules of logic, they pose great difficulties for non-native speakers.
Наука и образование / Иностранные языки 22 августа 2013 |

This fifth edition of A Dictionary of Science, like its predecessors, aims to provide school and first-year university students with accurate explanations of any unfamiliar words they might come across in the course of their studies, in their own or adjacent disciplines. For example, students of the physical sciences will find all they are likely to need to know about the life sciences, and vice versa. The dictionary is also designed to provide non-scientists with a useful reference source to explain the scientific terms that they may encounter in their work or in their general reading.
Наука и образование / Иностранные языки 22 августа 2013 |

The language of English cuisine is unusual in that it uses many words of foreign origin, often in their original spelling. The purpose of this dictionary is to give short definitions of these words so that both the practising chef and the amateur enthusiast, the gastronome and the student may quickly determine the meaning. It is not a recipe book or a repertoire, but it does give the ingredients of classic and well-known dishes, together with a brief summary of the cooking processes. A picture of a chef’s hat indicates dishes that the professional or amateur cook could, after a little experimentation, roughly reproduce.
Наука и образование / Иностранные языки 22 августа 2013 |

The principal aim of this dictionary is to provide readers with a reference tool for the terms, techniques and major sites in archaeology, but it is also intended to reflect the constant state of flux in the discipline. This is a difficult balancing act in a concise volume. Presenting archaeology as a process rather than as a body of knowledge implies that particular sites, cultures, methodologies and conceptual models must also be described in a way that is in some sense ‘provisional’ and open to change.
Наука и образование / Иностранные языки 22 августа 2013 |

A basic element in all religions is the awareness, both intellectual and emotional, of man’s dependence on non-human powers: powers which we conceive as personal, and vis-a-vis which we normally stand in a reciprocal relationship. Gods and demons are the forms taken by these powers, their hypostatizations, as it were, in the shape of light and darkness, sun and moon, fire and water, bird and snake. The divine can reveal itself in all the phenomena of nature, just as the demonic can.
Дом и семейный очаг / Познавательное 18 августа 2013 |

Отношение к войнам, страданиям и несправедливости сходно у полководцев Древнего Китая и мыслителей XX века. Афоризмы объединяют все человечество. Остались в прошлом целые страны и народы, но то, что заставляло волноваться, думать, радоваться людей тысячелетия назад, не потеряло актуальности и сегодня.
Дом и семейный очаг / Хобби и рукоделие 18 августа 2013 |

Понятные схемы, детальные выкройки и подробные описания делают любой из этих проектов доступным даже для начинающей вязальщицы. А результат - точь-в-точь как на цветных фотографиях: в вязаных изделиях ручной работы вы всегда неотразимы!
Журналы / Авто и мото 18 августа 2013 |

Журналы / Авто и мото 18 августа 2013 |

Образование / Познавательное / Для детей 18 августа 2013 |