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Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
22 ноября 2014
Автор: T.Dicks
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 1,3 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

Balmoral Castle lay bathed in autumn sunshine. The light shone on the white stone of the castle's ivy-covered walls. It sent golden shafts through the tall windows. Captain Harry Carruthers, companion and aide to King Edward VII , marched along the red-carpeted corridors of the castle. He glanced through the window. It was a beautiful day. He sighed. On a day like this, the King would be sure to insist that he went outside and did something healthy.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
22 ноября 2014
Автор: N.Alderman
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 1,1 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

The view on the monitors was dark. Occasionally, a line of numbers scrolled past, faster than any human eye could have followed them. But mostly, it was dark. It was dark, in a sense, all the time. But then, 'all the time' is a relative concept. A lot can happen in a slice of time too infinitesimally small to be measured on any human scale. So, occasionally there was a burst of frenetic activity. But mainly, it was dark.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
22 ноября 2014
Автор: G.Mann
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 981 kb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

He'd never intended to become a thief. Edgar Miller considered this as he wedged the end of his crowbar against the sill and began to prise open the sash window. He'd always planned to do something worthwhile with his life, to make something of himself. Life, however, had pointedly refused to provide him with any opportunities. For years he'd tried to earn an honest living, breaking his back with manual work, mucking out stables, fetching and carrying. In the end, though, where had that gotten him?

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
22 ноября 2014
Автор: J.Morris
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 864 kb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

The rain splattered against the windscreen before the wipers swiped the glass clean, patting the water down into a splashy trough above the dashboard. Beyond, the car headlights picked out a narrow country lane rolling out of the darkness, the high hedges on either side giving it the feel of driving through a tunnel. Rebecca rubbed her forehead. Another headache. Probably due to the idiot who had spent the last five miles behind her, his headlights blazing away in her rear-view mirror.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
22 ноября 2014
Автор: P.Finch
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 998 kb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

Mallik ran as he'd never run before. He was young and strong, and though he had been running for hours already he knew that he could keep going for a while yet. This didn't mean that he wasn't aching all over, that his throat wasn't raw with gasping and panting. The air was foul in this place. It tasted bad, it smelled bad - it was filled with pollutants. But still Mallik ran, sucking it in in great lungfuls. He was staggering along a corrugated steel conduit.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
22 ноября 2014
Автор: J.Goss
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 1,1 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

The TARDIS was crashing. The big clue was that the floor lurched at a sixty-degree angle. I knew this because the Doctor pointed it out. 'Sixty degrees!' he called, like he was greeting an old friend. 'Amy, this is serious.' I grinned, and then saw the expression on my husband's face. Rory was clinging to a chair, and making a noise. Making an 'oh my god, you didn't say this was a seafood restaurant' noise. My husband has one of those faces that looks best when it is worried.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
22 ноября 2014
Автор: U.McCormack
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 932 kb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

Between the housing estate and the motorway lies an ancient wood. Birds live there, and foxes, and the many small beasts that snuffle round the undergrowth busy on their own quiet errands. The woods teem with life: sharp, clever robins and blackbirds with bright and restless eyes; owls that sleep by day and quest by night; vivid darting butterflies; and all the wild and thrilling creatures - badgers, and hares, and maybe even a glimpse of a soft-eyed, soft-footed deer with her small fawn. Yes, the woods are filled with life.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
22 ноября 2014
Автор: G.Russell
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 4,1 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

Once upon a time, a long way away, the TARDIS whooshed and zoomed and spiralled through the space-time vortex. To one of the occupants, this was the most exciting, thrilling and fantastic thing she had ever experienced. And basically, she guessed, it would stay that way for the rest of her life. And she had met the man who flew this amazing, extraordinary and fantabulous ship only a couple of days before.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
22 ноября 2014
Автор: U.McCormack
Цикл: Doctor Who -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 4,2 Mb
Язык: Английский
Краткое описание:

They came only at night. They crept around the dark places, the hidden places, the poor and lonely places. It was said in the city that you could tell when they approached. First your skin began to prickle and then a sickening cold fear lodged itself in your belly which rose and rose, up and up - until you could not speak and you could not breathe, and the lamp that you were carrying couldn't bear it any longer and went out - phoomph!

Комиксы / Marvel
22 ноября 2014
Цикл: Дедпул -
Формат: cbr
Размер: 15 мб.
Язык: Русский
Краткое описание:

Для выполнения некоторых заказов сойдут обычные быстро-говорящие высокотехнологичные наёмники среднего класса. Но иногда .... чтобы выполнить работу идеально .... вам понадобится некто, более безумный, чем стая хорьков. Вам понадобится Вэйд Уилсон.Тёмно-красный комик. Регенерирующий дегенерат. Говорливый работник с раздвоенной личностью...
Дедпул - участник секретной программы суперсолдат - Оружие икс. Там он обучался быть живым оружием и являлся одним из самых лучших воинов программы.
Наверняка самый сумасшедший герой Вселенной МАРВЕЛ - однажды уже появлялся на экранах в фильме Люди икс: Росомаха. В скором времени планируется выход одноимённого фильма.