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Художественная литература / Фэнтези
27 сентября 2012
Автор: Эд Гринвуд
Формат: fb2
Размер: 675 кб
Язык: Русский
Краткое описание:

Время междоусобиц настало в эльфийском королевстве Кормантор, известном также как Миф Драннор. Благороднейшие дома почувствовали угрозу своему положению, исходящую от самого трона. Не лучшее время для туристических вояжей, но Эльминстер должен исполнить волю своей богини. Он приходит в Миф Драннор, чтобы познать сокровеннейшие законы магии и оказывается втянут в гущу политических интриг, грозящих гибелью эльфийскому королевству…

Художественная литература / Фэнтези
27 сентября 2012
Автор: Эд Гринвуд
Формат: fb2
Размер: 1мб
Язык: Русский
Краткое описание:

Это случилось до Миф Дранора, когда Внутренние земли были населены варварами и злые драконы властвовали небесами. В те давние времена Эльминcтер был еще подростком и паc овец, мечтая о приключениях и подвигах. Столкнувшись с Верховным Чародеем, прилетевшим на драконе, мальчик попадает в мир, где правят жестокие, развращенные правители-чародеи. С терпением и мужеством Эльминстер старается все исправить. В результате мир возрождается, а он становится магом.

Научно-популярное / Познавательное
26 сентября 2012
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 16,9 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: The Dictionary of American History has been the leading reference work in United States history for more than six decades. The Dictionary is committed to making the voluminous record of the past readily available in one convenient source, where the interested reader can locate the facts, events, trends, or policies of American history.

For this edition, we have been especially mindful that as new generations of Americans examine their history, the priorities, importance, and interpretations of this history evolve. History changes - and it does not. The facts historians choose to emphasize, and the manner in which they render certain events, mirror the way society views itself and its past. Those who study U.S. history will find that these volumes retain the original edition’s thorough coverage of political, military, and economic developments.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
26 сентября 2012
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 25,3 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: The Dictionary of American History has been the leading reference work in United States history for more than six decades. The Dictionary is committed to making the voluminous record of the past readily available in one convenient source, where the interested reader can locate the facts, events, trends, or policies of American history.

For this edition, we have been especially mindful that as new generations of Americans examine their history, the priorities, importance, and interpretations of this history evolve. History changes - and it does not. The facts historians choose to emphasize, and the manner in which they render certain events, mirror the way society views itself and its past. Those who study U.S. history will find that these volumes retain the original edition’s thorough coverage of political, military, and economic developments.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
26 сентября 2012
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 17,6 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: The Dictionary of American History has been the leading reference work in United States history for more than six decades. The Dictionary is committed to making the voluminous record of the past readily available in one convenient source, where the interested reader can locate the facts, events, trends, or policies of American history.

For this edition, we have been especially mindful that as new generations of Americans examine their history, the priorities, importance, and interpretations of this history evolve. History changes - and it does not. The facts historians choose to emphasize, and the manner in which they render certain events, mirror the way society views itself and its past. Those who study U.S. history will find that these volumes retain the original edition’s thorough coverage of political, military, and economic developments.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
26 сентября 2012
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 15,2 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: The Dictionary of American History has been the leading reference work in United States history for more than six decades. The Dictionary is committed to making the voluminous record of the past readily available in one convenient source, where the interested reader can locate the facts, events, trends, or policies of American history.

For this edition, we have been especially mindful that as new generations of Americans examine their history, the priorities, importance, and interpretations of this history evolve. History changes - and it does not. The facts historians choose to emphasize, and the manner in which they render certain events, mirror the way society views itself and its past. Those who study U.S. history will find that these volumes retain the original edition’s thorough coverage of political, military, and economic developments.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
26 сентября 2012
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 21,1 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: The Dictionary of American History has been the leading reference work in United States history for more than six decades. The Dictionary is committed to making the voluminous record of the past readily available in one convenient source, where the interested reader can locate the facts, events, trends, or policies of American history.

For this edition, we have been especially mindful that as new generations of Americans examine their history, the priorities, importance, and interpretations of this history evolve. History changes - and it does not. The facts historians choose to emphasize, and the manner in which they render certain events, mirror the way society views itself and its past. Those who study U.S. history will find that these volumes retain the original edition’s thorough coverage of political, military, and economic developments.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
26 сентября 2012
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 19,3 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: The Dictionary of American History has been the leading reference work in United States history for more than six decades. The Dictionary is committed to making the voluminous record of the past readily available in one convenient source, where the interested reader can locate the facts, events, trends, or policies of American history.

For this edition, we have been especially mindful that as new generations of Americans examine their history, the priorities, importance, and interpretations of this history evolve. History changes - and it does not. The facts historians choose to emphasize, and the manner in which they render certain events, mirror the way society views itself and its past. Those who study U.S. history will find that these volumes retain the original edition’s thorough coverage of political, military, and economic developments.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
26 сентября 2012
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 23,9 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: The Dictionary of American History has been the leading reference work in United States history for more than six decades. The Dictionary is committed to making the voluminous record of the past readily available in one convenient source, where the interested reader can locate the facts, events, trends, or policies of American history.

For this edition, we have been especially mindful that as new generations of Americans examine their history, the priorities, importance, and interpretations of this history evolve. History changes - and it does not. The facts historians choose to emphasize, and the manner in which they render certain events, mirror the way society views itself and its past. Those who study U.S. history will find that these volumes retain the original edition’s thorough coverage of political, military, and economic developments.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
26 сентября 2012
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 28,6 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: The Dictionary of American History has been the leading reference work in United States history for more than six decades. The Dictionary is committed to making the voluminous record of the past readily available in one convenient source, where the interested reader can locate the facts, events, trends, or policies of American history.

For this edition, we have been especially mindful that as new generations of Americans examine their history, the priorities, importance, and interpretations of this history evolve. History changes - and it does not. The facts historians choose to emphasize, and the manner in which they render certain events, mirror the way society views itself and its past. Those who study U.S. history will find that these volumes retain the original edition’s thorough coverage of political, military, and economic developments.