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Разное / Научно-популярные и познавательные
30 января 2013
Автор: DeAgostini
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 19,6 Мб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание: В каждом выпуске журнала все самое интересное и захватывающее о военных и гражданских самолетах, воздушных боях и пилотах-асах, об авиатехнологиях и истории авиации, о вертолетах, авиации специального назначения и многом другом.
Разное / Научно-популярные и познавательные
30 января 2013
Автор: DeAgostini
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 20,3 Мб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание: В каждом выпуске журнала все самое интересное и захватывающее о военных и гражданских самолетах, воздушных боях и пилотах-асах, об авиатехнологиях и истории авиации, о вертолетах, авиации специального назначения и многом другом.
Разное / Научно-популярные и познавательные
30 января 2013
Автор: DeAgostini
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 20,1 Мб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание: В каждом выпуске журнала все самое интересное и захватывающее о военных и гражданских самолетах, воздушных боях и пилотах-асах, об авиатехнологиях и истории авиации, о вертолетах, авиации специального назначения и многом другом.
Разное / Научно-популярные и познавательные
30 января 2013
Автор: DeAgostini
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 20,2 Мб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание: В каждом выпуске журнала все самое интересное и захватывающее о военных и гражданских самолетах, воздушных боях и пилотах-асах, об авиатехнологиях и истории авиации, о вертолетах, авиации специального назначения и многом другом.
Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
30 января 2013
Автор: Leo Tolstoy
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 9.9 Мб
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

  ‘Well, Prince, so Genoa and Lucca are now just family estates of the Buonapartes. But I warn you, if you don’t tell me that this means war, if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that AntichristI really believe he is AntichristI will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend, no longer my ‘faithful slave,’ as you call yourself! But how do you do? I see I have frightened yousit down and tell me all the news’...

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
30 января 2013
Автор: Homer
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 1.7 Мб
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

...And Minerva said, ‘There is no fear of your race dying out yet, while Penelope has such a fine son as you are. But tell me, and tell me true, what is the meaning of all this feasting, and who are these people? What is it all about? Have you some banquet, or is there a wedding in the family—for no one seems to be bringing any provisions of his own? And the guests—how atrociously they are behaving; what riot they make over the whole house; it is enough to disgust any respectable person who comes near them’...

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
30 января 2013
Автор: Leo Tolstoy
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 5.7 Мб
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

  Everything was in confusion in the Oblonskys’ house. The wife had discovered that the husband was carrying on an intrigue with a French girl, who had been a governess in their family, and she had announced to her husband that she could not go on living in the same house with him. This position of affairs had now lasted three days, and not only the husband and wife themselves, but all the members of their family and household, were painfully conscious of it. Every person in the house felt that there was no sense in their living together, and that the stray people brought together by chance in any inn had more in common with one another than they, the members of the family and household of the Oblonskys. The wife did not leave her own room, the husband had not been at home for three days. The children ran wild all over the house; the English governess quarreled with the housekeeper, and wrote to a friend asking her to look out for a new situation for her; the man-cook had walked off the day before just at dinner time; the kitchen-maid, and the coachman had given warning.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
30 января 2013
Автор: Alexandre Dumas
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 4.9 Мб
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

  In which it is proved that, notwithstanding their names’ ending in OS and IS, the heroes of the story which we are about to have the honor to relate to our readers have nothing mythological about them.
  A short time ago, while making researches in the Royal Library for my History of Louis XIV, I stumbled by chance upon the Memoirs of M. d’Artagnan, printed—as were most of the works of that period, in which authors could not tell the truth without the risk of a residence, more or less long, in the Bastille—at Amsterdam, by Pierre Rouge. The title attracted me; I took them home with me, with the permission of the guardian, and devoured them.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
30 января 2013
Автор: George Orwell
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 1.3 Мб
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

  It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him...

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
30 января 2013
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 1.7 Мб
Язык: english
Краткое описание:

  In belief of the good reception and honours that Your Excellency bestows on all sort of books, as prince so inclined to favor good arts, chiefly those who by their nobleness do not submit to the service and bribery of the vulgar, I have determined bringing to light The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of la Mancha, in shelter of Your Excellency's glamorous name, to whom, with the obeisance I owe to such grandeur, I pray to receive it agreeably under his protection, so that in this shadow, though deprived of that precious ornament of elegance and erudition that clothe the works composed in the houses of those who know...