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Научно-популярное / Познавательное
8 ноября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 24,5 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Southeast Asia sticks to you. The tropical climate is so humid that the air becomes something akin to goo. The red dust of Cambodia steals through the open bus windows and settles into the fibres of your clothes. The joss sticks lit for the household shrines in Thailand impart a sweet perfume to the thick air. The pungent stench of a durian orchard in Sumatra follows you for days. And without noticing, you’ll begin to shuffle between shady patches, as the locals do, rather than marching through the sun.

This is a spiritual place infused with the gods of past and present: the ancient spirits of the land and the family, the deities of Buddhism and the rules of Islam. In a parched corner of Cambodia is Angkor, one of the world’s greatest monuments to heaven on earth.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
8 ноября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 21,2 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: There’s nothing quite like daydreaming about long, white beaches, long, cool drinks and long days lying in the sun. But to lose your head in the clouds and end up arriving in the South Pacific with no preparation is folly. With a good plan, you won’t break the bank every time you hop from one Pacific nation to the next, you’ll know which islands are easily accessible and which are way off track, and you’ll know where to find the best match - not just for your wallet but also for your style. We’ve outlined the basics to get you going and to help you get the most out of your Pacific dream, including tips on when to go to avoid cyclones, what to bring and how much it’s going to cost.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
8 ноября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 20,4 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: South Africa’s infrastructure is well-developed, with an excellent network of tarmac roads, ready access to ATMs and the Internet, and an extensive selection of good-value, high-quality accommodation. Except during school holidays (when accommodation in popular areas is invariably booked out), it’s possible to visit almost on the spur of the moment. Swaziland and (especially) Lesotho have less-developed infrastructure than South Africa. In Lesotho, for example, only a few major roads are paved, and in both countries, ATM and Internet access are only available at a handful of places in or near the capitals. Yet, both countries are small and easily navigated that it is usually no problem to sort things out as you go.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
8 ноября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 8,1 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Slovenia is a dream destination for many reasons, but among the most obvious is that it requires so little advance planning. Tourist literature abounds, maps are excellent and readily available, and the staff at tourist offices, travel agencies, hotels, train stations and so on are almost universally helpful and efficient. And most speak English very well. Yes, Slovenia is so well developed and organised that you don’t have to plan much of anything before your trip; almost everything can be arranged on the spot.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
8 ноября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 8,5 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Always the bridesmaid and never the bride, this perennial stopover city is reinventing itself as destination in its own right.

Most people know about the shopping and the eating, but Singapore has taken a serious look at the subject of fun, decided that it is good, and set about converting itself into the ultimate 21st-century metropolis. And in a city for which constant change and improvement are almost a religion, decisions quickly turn into reality.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
8 ноября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 8,9 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: There’s a rich history behind Sicily’s complex character. Nearly 25 centuries of foreign domination have had a massive impact on the island’s cultural output: the Greeks built elegant classical structures, while a unique mix of Byzantine artistry and Norman severity endowed Sicily with some of the most unusual and beautiful buildings in Europe; in later centuries the Spanish topped off this exotic composition with a flourish of baroque. Sicily also has a natural beauty that’s astounding: grapevines stretch from the slopes of brooding Mt Etna to the parched landscapes of the west, and the aquamarine waters off the 1000km coastline are splashed with volcanic islands.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
8 ноября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 15,3 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: The most dynamic city in the world’s fastest- changing nation, Shanghai is an exhilarating, ever morphing metropolis that isn’t just living China’s dream, but is setting the pace for the rest of the world.

Once a playground for foreign adventurers and socialites, the one-time whore of the Orient is now where home-grown tycoons build soaring monuments to capitalism and the locals party all night. But despite a past as evocative as it is notorious, Shanghai has dispensed with the rear-view mirror, pushed the pedal to the floor and is roaring towards its imagined future so fast that keeping up is almost impossible.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное
8 ноября 2012
Автор: www.lonelyplanet.com
Цикл:  -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 9,7 Mb
Язык: english
Краткое описание: Nothing is permanent in this fashion-filled, helter-skelter city that completely rebuilds itself every decade and vibrates with energy night and day. Every evening a tsunami of Seoulites sweeps into entertainment districts, where smoky barbecue restaurants, goblin-sized teashops, plush mugwort saunas, DVD minicinemas and more are stacked up 10-storeys high along narrow alleys. Seoul spreads a virtually unknown culture and cuisine at your feet.

Yes, the future has already arrived, but the past has not been completely uprooted - Seoul’s mighty fortress wail and gates still stand, as do World Heritage palaces, royal shrines and tombs.
Наука и образование / Образование
7 ноября 2012
Автор: Г.Якушева
Формат: djvu
Размер: 6,2 Мб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание: Справочник по математике предназначен для учащихся 4-11 классов, школьных учителей, незаменим для родителей в качестве «домашнего репетитора».
Наука и образование / Образование
7 ноября 2012
Формат: djvu
Размер: 8,4 Мб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание: Справочное пособие предназначено для учащихся, их родителей, школьных учителей, абитуриентов, охватывает все аспекты школьной программы по физике.