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— А кто сказал, что в конце пути будет радость? (…) Радость — глоток воды в жаркий день, уютное кресло вечером после работы, беседа, когда ты истосковался по умному собеседнику. Счастье — совсем другое. Путешественник счастлив, поднявшись на высокую гору. Но он не радуется, он знает, что ему предстоит долгий и тяжкий обратный путь. Радость — это итог. Счастье — это путь.
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© Сергей Лукьяненко
: :События: :
106 — Цай Лун получает бумагу из волокон бамбука.
1302 — согласно Шекспиру, в этот день были обручены Ромео и Джульетта.
1564 — выход первой точно датированной русской печатной книги — «Апостола» Ивана Фёдорова — в Москве.
1931 — род. Кит Руперт Мёрдок, издательский магнат, миллиардер.
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в новости → Когда она ушла |
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Автор → Mpak
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Научно-популярное / Познавательное 24 июля 2014 |

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia is a large comprehensive encyclopedia of animal life. It is named after its original editor in chief, Bernhard Grzimek. Originally the encyclopedia was published as a 13-volume set in German under the name Grzimeks Tierleben (Grzimek's Animal Life) in 1967-1972; it was translated into English in 1972-75. The encyclopedia was an international collaboration by a large number of scientists. It was later extensively updated and republished in a 17-volume second edition under the supervision of Michael Hutchins in 2003.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное 24 июля 2014 |

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia is a large comprehensive encyclopedia of animal life. It is named after its original editor in chief, Bernhard Grzimek. Originally the encyclopedia was published as a 13-volume set in German under the name Grzimeks Tierleben (Grzimek's Animal Life) in 1967-1972; it was translated into English in 1972-75. The encyclopedia was an international collaboration by a large number of scientists. It was later extensively updated and republished in a 17-volume second edition under the supervision of Michael Hutchins in 2003.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное 24 июля 2014 |

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia is a large comprehensive encyclopedia of animal life. It is named after its original editor in chief, Bernhard Grzimek. Originally the encyclopedia was published as a 13-volume set in German under the name Grzimeks Tierleben (Grzimek's Animal Life) in 1967-1972; it was translated into English in 1972-75. The encyclopedia was an international collaboration by a large number of scientists. It was later extensively updated and republished in a 17-volume second edition under the supervision of Michael Hutchins in 2003.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное 24 июля 2014 |

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia is a large comprehensive encyclopedia of animal life. It is named after its original editor in chief, Bernhard Grzimek. Originally the encyclopedia was published as a 13-volume set in German under the name Grzimeks Tierleben (Grzimek's Animal Life) in 1967-1972; it was translated into English in 1972-75. The encyclopedia was an international collaboration by a large number of scientists. It was later extensively updated and republished in a 17-volume second edition under the supervision of Michael Hutchins in 2003.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное 24 июля 2014 |

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia is a large comprehensive encyclopedia of animal life. It is named after its original editor in chief, Bernhard Grzimek. Originally the encyclopedia was published as a 13-volume set in German under the name Grzimeks Tierleben (Grzimek's Animal Life) in 1967-1972; it was translated into English in 1972-75. The encyclopedia was an international collaboration by a large number of scientists. It was later extensively updated and republished in a 17-volume second edition under the supervision of Michael Hutchins in 2003.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное 24 июля 2014 |

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia is a large comprehensive encyclopedia of animal life. It is named after its original editor in chief, Bernhard Grzimek. Originally the encyclopedia was published as a 13-volume set in German under the name Grzimeks Tierleben (Grzimek's Animal Life) in 1967-1972; it was translated into English in 1972-75. The encyclopedia was an international collaboration by a large number of scientists. It was later extensively updated and republished in a 17-volume second edition under the supervision of Michael Hutchins in 2003.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное 24 июля 2014 |

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia is a large comprehensive encyclopedia of animal life. It is named after its original editor in chief, Bernhard Grzimek. Originally the encyclopedia was published as a 13-volume set in German under the name Grzimeks Tierleben (Grzimek's Animal Life) in 1967-1972; it was translated into English in 1972-75. The encyclopedia was an international collaboration by a large number of scientists. It was later extensively updated and republished in a 17-volume second edition under the supervision of Michael Hutchins in 2003.
Журналы / Научно-популярные и познавательные 24 июля 2014 |

Журнал о том, как устроен наш мир. Для всех, кто хочет знать о научных изобретениях, сделанных в России и по всему миру, об инновационных технологиях, последних разработках в области космоса, авиации, автомобилей, оружия и компьютеров, которые в скором будущем могут усовершенствовать нашу жизнь.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное 24 июля 2014 |

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia is a large comprehensive encyclopedia of animal life. It is named after its original editor in chief, Bernhard Grzimek. Originally the encyclopedia was published as a 13-volume set in German under the name Grzimeks Tierleben (Grzimek's Animal Life) in 1967-1972; it was translated into English in 1972-75. The encyclopedia was an international collaboration by a large number of scientists. It was later extensively updated and republished in a 17-volume second edition under the supervision of Michael Hutchins in 2003.
Научно-популярное / Познавательное 24 июля 2014 |

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia is a large comprehensive encyclopedia of animal life. It is named after its original editor in chief, Bernhard Grzimek. Originally the encyclopedia was published as a 13-volume set in German under the name Grzimeks Tierleben (Grzimek's Animal Life) in 1967-1972; it was translated into English in 1972-75. The encyclopedia was an international collaboration by a large number of scientists. It was later extensively updated and republished in a 17-volume second edition under the supervision of Michael Hutchins in 2003.