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Наука и образование / Искусство
21 января 2013
Формат: pdf
Размер: 23 Мб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание:

  Флорентийская Галерея Академии была создана в XVIII веке при старейшей Академии изящных искусств. В музее можно увидеть такие шедевры Микеланджело Буонаротти, как "Давид" и "Рабы", а также обширное собрание ранней итальянской живописи, позволяющее представить, как зарождалось ренессансное искусство. Пройдя по залам Галереи, можно также почувствовать дух самого Возрождения, Раннего и Высокого. Кроме того, в ней выставляются работы маньеристов, творчество которых открывало новую эпоху в итальянском искусстве, наступившую вслед за Ренессансом, и академистов XIX века.
  Галерея Академии во Флоренции – это хранилище уникальной коллекции работ великого мастера Микеланджело. Его неповторимая скульптура «Давид» принесла музею мировую славу. Увидеть этот шедевр, высеченный из мрамора, приезжают туристы со всего мира. Гипсовая копия «Давида», в точности отвечающая оригиналу, выставлена на открытом воздухе.

Наука и образование / Искусство
21 января 2013
Формат: pdf
Размер: 24 Мб
Язык: русский
Краткое описание:

  Один из ведущих художественных музеев Венгрии, обладающий обширной коллекцией венгерского искусства от Средних веков и до XX века. В экспозиции галереи собраны работы исключительно венгерских художников или созданные на территории Венгрии. Галерея размещается в Королевском дворце в Будайской крепости. Музей основан в 1957 году и вобрал в себя часть коллекции Музея изобразительных искусств, а также городских музеев и частных собраний. До 1975 года эта художественная коллекция демонстрировалась во Дворце правосудия на площади Лайоша Кошута, где в настоящее время расположился Этнографический музей.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
20 января 2013
Автор: Beverly Barton
Цикл: The Protectors-5 -
Формат: fb2
Размер: 0,2 Мб
Язык: английский
Краткое описание:

For six years, Jeannie Alverson had thought about Sam Dundee's haunting blue eyes, his warm touch. His was the face she saw in her dreams. He was the man she never expected to see again. But now he had returned…to protect her. Sam couldn't turn his back on Jeannie. Once she had saved his life, and now she needed him. He vowed to guard her against all danger, but who would protect him from the innocence and love shining in her eyes?

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
20 января 2013
Автор: Beverly Barton
Цикл: The Protectors-4 -
Формат: pdf
Размер: 0,2 Мб
Язык: английский
Краткое описание:

Navy SEAL Zane Mackenzie was a pro. No mission had ever gotten the better of him — until now. Saving the ambassador’s gorgeous daughter, Barrie Lovejoy, had been textbook — except for their desperate night of passion. And though his job as a soldier had ended with her freedom, his duties as a husband had only just begun. For he would sooner die than let the enemy harm the mother of his child.

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
20 января 2013
Автор: Beverly Barton
Цикл: The Protectors-3 -
Формат: fb2
Размер: 0,2 Мб
Язык: английский
Краткое описание:

The Protector: Reece Landry Wounded and on the run, ex-con Reece Landry rescues Elizabeth Mallory from a deadly winter storm. A psychic, Elizabeth knows Reece is innocent and vows to prove it, because her sixth sense tells her that he's the answer to her lonely prayers. Will Elizabeth be the one to heal Reece, body and soul?

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
20 января 2013
Автор: Beverly Barton
Цикл: The Protectors-2 -
Формат: fb2
Размер: 0,2 Мб
Язык: английский
Краткое описание:

Nick Romero, Navy SEAL, DEA Agent, Latin lover, was a man alone - and satisfied to remain that way. Until the night he rescued Addy McConnell, a tall, cool woman with hair like fire. And, rumor had it, a soul like ice. But anyone who fought off a potential kidnapper as fiercely as she had must have a tigress sleeping under her skin. And Nick knew he was just the man to awaken Addy and make her purr...

Addy McConnell felt like a stranger in her own body. For Nick Romero raised in her a near-consuming hunger more frightening than the threats against her. Now he swore to protect her life with his own. But could she give him what he desired in return?

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
20 января 2013
Автор: Beverly Barton
Цикл: The Protectors-1 -
Формат: fb2
Размер: 0,2 Мб
Язык: английский
Краткое описание:

The power of destiny had joined Nate Hodges and Cyn Porter together, but the savagery of man seemed fated to tear them apart. A warrior who walked alone, Nate could never mean anything but danger for any woman who dared to love him. Yet Cyn, touched by tragedy herself, realized this soul-scarred soldier needed her strength. Though stalked by a madman bent on revenge, Nate succumbed to the pull of a passion older than time. Cyn, the brown-eyed beauty of his dreams—his impossible love—brought him peace. She was his very soul. But he knew with heart-shattering certainty that he could be her death...

Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
20 января 2013
Автор: Chuck Palahniuk
Цикл:  -
Формат: fb2
Размер: 1,29 Мб
Язык: английский
Краткое описание: Injected with new material and special design elements, Invisible Monsters Remix fulfills Chuck Palahniuk's original vision for his 1999 novel, turning a daring satire on beauty and the fashion industry into an even more wildly unique reading experience. Laced in are new chapters of memoir and further scenes with the book's characters. Readers will jump between chapters, reread the book to understand the melding of fact and fiction, and decipher the book's playful page design. She's a catwalk model who has everything: a boyfriend, a career, a loyal best friend. But when a sudden motor 'accident' leaves her disfigured and incapable of speech, she goes from being the beautiful centre of attention to being an invisible monster, so hideous that no one will acknowledge she exists. Enter Brandy Alexander, Queen Supreme, one operation away from being a real woman, who will teach her that reinventing yourself means erasing your past and making up something better, and that salvation hides in the last place you'll ever want to look.
Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
20 января 2013
Автор: Beverly Barton
Цикл: Dead by... -
Формат: fb2
Размер: 0,5 Мб
Язык: английский
Краткое описание: "New York Times"-bestselling author Barton delivers the second novel in her Dead by trilogy. Maleah Perdue is dedicated to her work at the Powell Security agency--until a madman begins killing her colleagues one by one, mimicking a notorious serial killer already behind bars.

THE DARKEST SINS He begins his work just before dawn, wielding a knife with the precision of a surgeon. Cunning and meticulous, he’s always in control. Mercy is not an option…

WILL ALWAYS Maleah Purdue is touch, outspoken, and completely dedicated to her work at the Powell Security Agency. But her fearless exterior shatters when a madman begins killing her colleagues one by one, mimicking a notorious serial killer already behind bars. Working alongside top profiler Derek Lawrence, Maleah will do anything to find the murderer, even if it means playing a psychopath’s twisted mind games.

COME TO LIGHT No one connected to the Agency is safe. No one is beyond suspicion. For as Maleah and Derek piece together the clues, they uncover a chilling legacy of lies and brutal vengeance – and a killer who has been hiding in plain sight all along...
Художественная литература / Книги на иностранных языках
20 января 2013
Автор: Georgette Heyer
Цикл:  -
Формат: fb2
Размер: 0,2 Мб
Язык: английский
Краткое описание: A story set in Regency England. When a chivalrous impulse saddles Viscount Desford with a homeless waif in the engaging shape of Cherry Steane, he asks his childhood playmate, Henrietta Silverdale, for help. Although they refused to oblige their parents by marrying, they remain the best of friends.